I realize I’ve been using a lot of exclamation points in my blog entry titles lately – three this month already and it’s only the 11th – but that’s because it’s spring and it’s an exciting time of the year for me.

Since it’s an exciting time (for a lot of people, not just me), I wanted to officially request that people send in any photos they may have that depict people, watermelon and fun. It doesn’t have to be anything complicated – someone smiling and holding up a slice of watermelon is fine. It can be a photo you took a long time ago or one that you took just for this request. Also, you don’t have to use a fancy camera. If you take the picture with a cell phone, that’s fine!

Once you have the photo, email it to me at watermelonexperts@gmail.com. Throughout the summer, I’ll feature some of the funnest pictures here on What About Watermelon. (And yes, I know “funnest” isn’t a word, but I don’t care.) This will sort of be an ongoing thing here on the blog, so there’s no deadline for submissions.

Everyone whose photo is featured on the blog will receive the awesome watermelon coasters above. So grab your camera and some watermelon, and whatever you do, don’t forget to have fun!

Categories: General
The Watermelon Guy: