I love old pictures. Even if I don’t know any of the people in the picture, I just like imagining what life was like back whenever the photo was taken. It could be a picture from the 80s (big hair, brightly colored clothes) or the 50s (big hair, black and white clothes) or, in the case of the snapshot above, somewhere around 1900.

The person who posted this image on Flickr titled it “Watermelon Party, Woodbine, New Jersey,” and dated it around the turn of the 20th century. Several things are evident in this scene. The first is that suspenders were very popular back in 1900. Maybe belts hadn’t been invented yet. I’m not really sure.

This photo is also proof that watermelon doesn’t look nearly as appetizing in grainy black and white as it does in vibrant full color, but that’s true of just about any food. Finally, we also see that horses back in 1900 loved watermelon just as much as today’s horses. The steed on the right knows a good thing when he sees it. I’m not sure if he’s being fed the watermelon or if he just snuck a bite while everyone was distracted by the fancy camera. Either way, he looks happy to be a part of the watermelon party.

Categories: General
The Watermelon Guy: