I’m headed to a Halloween party next week and I also have to figure out what costume I’ll be wearing. My wife and I will probably opt for something simple, but I’m still not sure what that simple getup will be.

I can tell you with absolute certainty that I won’t be dressing up as a watermelon. As much as I love eating it, I’m not sure if I could bring myself to go out in public looking like the guy on the right. Actually, I could probably be convinced to do it if I could be a zombie dressed as a giant slice of watermelon. That might actually be pretty cool.

This slice on the right is a popular watermelon costume for adults and can be had for around $30 on most websites. The baby pumpkin below is available for roughly the same price. Older girls can also be a watermelon fairy for Halloween (below right). I’m not sure what a watermelon fairy really is, but I think they’re commonly seen fluttering about in watermelon patches doing whatever it is that watermelon fairies do.

Categories: General
The Watermelon Guy: