I was going to write a whole entry filled with holiday cheer, but I think this pretty awesome watermelon carving says it all.

Categories: General
The Watermelon Guy:

View Comments (3)

  • Wow, that is pretty cool! Why do you guys have a blog about watermelons anyway?
    Unless you guys are like, totally devoted to watermelons, which is WEIRD! I mean, I love watermelons as much and the next guy, but really, who goes to the extent to make a blog about it?
    No offense, though, just stating my opinion. Hey, that is what comments are for, right? And plus, that carving=AMAZINGLY AWESOME>

  • Good question, ME! Like you mentioned, we have a blog for watermelon because we’re totally devoted to watermelon. The reason for the devotion is simple: the blog was created by the National Watermelon Promotion Board (the most devoted watermelon lovers in the whole world!).