By a show of hands (or comments), how many of you plan to feature watermelon somewhere in your Thanksgiving spread? Hopefully a few of you have your hands raised, because watermelon is pretty easy to work into the spread, either in an appetizer, a main course or a dessert.

Today’s Thanksgiving recipe starts with a watermelon-themed appetizer. This particular recipe is featured on the National Watermelon Promotion Board website. Although it might take a little while to create (a good task for kids who are anxious to help out on Thanksgiving morning), it’s a pretty neat idea.

The picture on the right shows a cube with some sort of salami in it. You can feel free to add salami to the mix, but you’ll need to adjust your cube totals below accordingly (you’ll need a total of 125 cubes). You’ll also need to make sure your cubes are all pretty equal in size. If they’re not, things might not stack up as evenly as they should. For that task, I’d recommend using one of those adjustable cheese slicers to create slices of cheese and watermelon that are all the same width. You could also use one of these “obsessive chef” cutting boards with all the measurement lines on it. Good luck!



45 equal-size cubes of watermelon
40 cubes white jack cheese
40 cubes yellow cheddar cheese
1 cup ranch dressing
Toothpicks (for serving)


Build a wacky cube by methodically alternating cubes, making a 5-cube x 5-cube layer on the bottom. Build four more layers on top. Serve with ranch dressing dip. Provide toothpicks for easy poking and serving.

Categories: General
The Watermelon Guy: