I’m not ashamed to admit this, but when it comes to remembering things, I’m pretty much the worst rememberer in the entire world. Names? Forget about it. Dates? I only remember my wedding anniversary and my wife’s birthday (i.e., the “important ones”). Grocery lists? If I’m headed to the store for more than three items, I have to write it down.

Because of my absent-mindedness, I’ve been known to jot notes to myself at work and around the house. And, as long as I don’t forget where I put the note, the system seems to work pretty well. I usually use those sticky-note things or random slips of paper for my reminders, but this month’s watermelon-themed prize would come in handy, too.

It’s a watermelon memo pad AND a set of three watermelon-scented pens. That’s right, watermelon-scented pens. That’s a picture of the delicious prize duo below.

According to their Amazon page, if you use these pens, “you’ll be tempted to eat your words.” That’s entirely likely with me, because I’ve also been known to eat paper. I wonder if that has anything to do with my memory loss.

I’ll choose one commenter at random from all the comments left on the blog this month to receive this pad-and-pen set. Of course, that’s assuming I remember to pick a name.

Categories: General
The Watermelon Guy:

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  • I am the same way, then usually forget to take the grocery list with me.
    I like the concept and would probably eat a lot more watermelon because I just love the smell. But, alas, I live in Ecuador and don’t know that I would qualify. The watermelon here is a bit milder than in the States but still very good and juicy. I live alone so, of course, buy the small round ones. You all helped me with picking out a good melon and the yellow spot on the melon was dead on. Thank you.

  • The Watermelon memo pad and the Watermelon scented pens would look great on my desk. I can picture making my grocery list on this pad using this pen.

  • Who wouldn’t love to have a slice of melon and a scented pen to write with.Makes me want a slice right now!