With roughly two months remaining until the New Year (that’s right, folks), I’ve started giving some thought to my 2014 New Year’s resolution. As always, it’ll be watermelon themed, with the goal of helping me become a better, more well-rounded Watermelon Guy.

In the past, I’ve done relatively well when it comes to achieving my watermelon resolution goals. In 2012, I successfully organized and competed in a seed-spitting contest. Even though I didn’t win the contest, I consider my efforts to be a success. Last year, I set out to grow my own watermelon. I accomplished that, but only if you call a small, inedible, baseball-sized growth a “watermelon.”

So what will I set out to accomplish in 2014? Good question. Below are a few ideas:

1. Write a book – I’ve always wanted to write a book and a watermelon book might be a good start. I could write a book about the history of watermelon and all that it has to offer. Or maybe I’d borrow some inspiration from Greg Pizzoli and write a children’s book about watermelon.

2. Cook every watermelon recipe on the National Watermelon Promotion Board website – This one is a little ambitious, but I’ve been meaning to create more watermelon dishes, so this idea might work. Actually, scratch that. There are nearly 200 recipes on the website, and there’s no way I’ll be able to create that many meals, drinks and desserts … but maybe I could choose 52 of them and aim to cook up one per week.

3. Enter a watermelon eating contest – This one has real potential because it taps into my competitive nature in the same way that my seed-spitting contest resolution did a few years ago. I’ve entered plenty of eating competitions in the past, but never a watermelon eating contest. The challenge, of course, will be finding a watermelon eating contest in my area.

So there you have it. Three potential resolutions for the Watermelon Guy to tackle in 2014. Chime in below with a comment about which one you think I should attempt. And if you have any other ideas for watermelon-related New Year’s resolutions, I’d love to hear them!

Categories: General
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