As a watermelon fan, you can’t subscribe to the belief that certain foods should only be eaten during certain times of the year. If you did, you’d only eat watermelon during the summer, and I think we can all agree that that’s just plain silliness.

That same foodie philosophy applies to plenty of things besides watermelon. Pumpkin pie in the middle of summer? Don’t mind if I do! An ice cream cone while sledding in January? I might look silly, but I’ll give it a shot. (At least my ice cream won’t melt!) I’ve even been known to fire up my grill in December to cook up some burgers and hot dogs.

My adventurous attitude toward grilling in freezing temperatures is the inspiration behind this month’s prize – Watermelon Rind Barbecue Sauce. The sauce comes from TheWatermelonShop.com, which, if you’re a watermelon fan, should be in your bookmarks right now.  Here’s how the makers of the sauce – Old South – describe it on their website:

“Made from our famous Sweet Pickled Watermelon Rind, this robust barbecue sauce is truly unique.  A bold blend of spices creates a rich sauce, perfect for marinating or grilling.  Once you have tasted our barbecue sauce, others simply will not do!”

I’ll choose one comment at random from all the comments left on the blog this month to receive this barbecue booster. Sure, you’ll receive it in December, but like I said earlier, that shouldn’t really matter, right? Even if you don’t feel like grilling in the snow, there are still plenty of ways you can incorporate this watermelon barbecue sauce into some recipes cooked indoors. If anyone has any ideas on how they’d use this sauce – indoors or outdoors – feel free to leave a comment!

Categories: General
The Watermelon Guy: