Whether you’re six or 96, there’s only one food that is acceptable to play with: Jell-O! With a five-year-old daughter in the house, you can bet we go through a lot of the jiggly stuff, and I still find myself as amused with it as my daughter is. So, you can imagine my excitement when I found this recipe for Watermelon Jell-O Shots, courtesy of the folks at BuzzFeed.

The best thing about this recipe is that it can be made with alcohol or without (if you want to make them for the kids). Great for a weekend get together or even your five-year-old’s birthday party, this recipe is as fun to make as it is to eat. Here’s how I made mine this past weekend:


Start out by gathering up your cooking equipment and ingredients. Yep, if you’re making non-alcoholic Jell-O wedges, all you need is a watermelon and some flavored gelatin. A medium sized watermelon will require three packets of gelatin per half.


Cut your watermelon in half, and spoon the flesh into one of your serving bowls. You want to leave a little red flesh left on the rind.


Make the Jell-O and pour it into the watermelon.  Place the watermelon half in a large bowl to keep your watermelon bowl from tipping over and spilling your gelatin. Refrigerate for four hours until Jell-O is completely set. Once it’s ready, you can slice!


Once you have them all cut to your liking, you are now ready to enjoy. They’re a little tricky to slice, and you’ll have to create relatively small wedges. I tried cutting mine to resemble actual-sized watermelon wedges, but the gelatin was too wiggly to allow the wedges to stand upright. WARNING: Making these for a party will make everyone love you.

REMEMBER: All comments left on the blog this month are entered to win our October prize — the watermelon welcome mat — so comment as often as you’d like!


Categories: Recipes
The Watermelon Guy:

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