After a flurry of back-and-forth communication with the organizers of the Cumberland Ag Expo, my lifelong dream of competing in a watermelon seed spitting contest is finally coming into view.

Like I mentioned before, I chose the Cumberland Ag Expo – a local four-day agriculture fair held here in central Pennsylvania – as the host of the watermelon seed spitting contest that I’m coordinating as both an organizer and a competitor. The Expo (website here) will be held September 5-8.

In order to give attendees more of an opportunity to participate to show off their seed-spitting skills, the contest will be held over the first three days of the Expo. Interested spitters will visit the booth at any point during the day, spit three seeds, and their longest distance will be recorded. The longest distance in each competitor category – men, women, youth, and children – will be displayed on a scoreboard for all to see. Who ever has the longest distance in each category at the end of the third day is the winner!

Pretty simple, huh? For now, the winners each get a cool medal, but I’ll also be working on securing an official contest sponsor – perhaps a local restaurant or ice cream stand – who might be willing to throw in a few gift certificates for each winner.

Also on my to-do list is the creation of some seed spitting contest signs to be posted at the booth and some flyers to promote the contest throughout the Expo fairgrounds.

Oh, and I also need to find time between now and then to sharpen my seed-spitting skills. In a practice last weekend, I registered my best distance to date – just over 32 feet – but I’m still a lucky bounce away from passing my 40 foot goal.

Categories: General
The Watermelon Guy: