It’s New Year’s Eve, and I hope everyone has plans to ring in 2015 in style…even if that means you’ll be fast asleep by the time Ryan Seacrest leads us in the annual Times Square countdown. I also hope you’ve given some thought to your New Year’s resolutions. 


Back in October, I asked everyone what my 2015 watermelon-themed New Year’s resolution should be. So far, in my quest to become a better watermelon fan, I’ve competed in a watermelon-eating contest (2014), grown my own watermelon (2013) and competed in a watermelon seed-spitting contest (2012).


It gets harder each year to pick a watermelon resolution, which is why I asked all of you back in October for ideas. Jim Long suggested that I train with NASA to deliver some watermelon to the International Space Station. I really like that idea, mainly because becoming an astronaut is something I’ve wanted to do ever since I was 4 years old. Unfortunately, the likelihood of me accomplishing that objective is about as likely as me growing a watermelon that can actually be eaten.


And so, I’m forced to consider resolutions that don’t require eight months of intense zero gravity training and a trip into outer space. In fact, the resolution I’ve chosen for 2015 doesn’t even require me to leave my own kitchen (except to visit the grocery store to pick up a few things).


That’s because, in 2015, I resolve to prepare more recipes using watermelon. And not just any recipes. I resolve to prepare at least one recipe per month that I’ve never prepared before. Sure, I’ll still make my favorite watermelon smoothies, watermelon salsas and watermelon & feta salads, but I’ll also be tackling unusual recipes like Kung Pao Watermelon Shrimp, Watermelon Taboule Stacks with Grilled Watermelon and even homemade Watermelon Sherbet.


Those are just a few recipes I found on the Watermelon.org recipes page. I’ll also scour the Internet for ideas and ask you — What About Watermelon’s readers — for your suggestions as well. And I’ll be chronicling each creation with a monthly entry right here on the blog, including the successful creations, the not-so-successful creations and everything in between.


Get ready, because 2015 is going to be a very tasty year. At least I hope so!


Categories: General Recipes
The Watermelon Guy: